6 Tips That You Can Follow When Making Name Cards

Most people must be familiar with name cards or business cards. For professionals and businesses, this card is a must-have item. This card is a tool to formally introduce a person or business. The goal of its application is usually to enlarge a network, marketing tools, or even make a professional impression. Besides, since the process of making business cards is quite simple, people or businesses are still using name cards until now. But even though the card is easy to create, there are a few tips when you decide to make it. Well, here are some tips below!  

1. You Should Make All Information Legible 

All information and contacts should be easy to read! You have a useless card if people cannot read it. Because of that, please avoid choosing a small font size and intricate font type. Moreover, use a contrast colour for your font and avoid to make it have the same tone with the background! 

2. Only Vital Data Must Be Listed on Name Cards 

You don’t need to put all your social media accounts such as Instagram, Skype, LinkedIn, YouTube channel, or more information about your contacts or personal data on your name card. Please keep in mind, you shouldn’t put too much information on the card! Your card is not a personal data form that you have to write all of your information on it. Only the most basic personal information and contact that should be put on the cards.  

3. Find the Best Size 

Don’t make your card too small or big. Just make it with the perfect size! But what is the perfect size for the name card? Actually, there is not really a perfect size for the card, but the most popular one is 90 mm x 54 mm. You can find popular sizes for name cards on the internet based on your country.  

4. How About Using a Name Card Template? 

Nowadays, if you need a shortcut to make name cards, you can use a name card template! There are tons of legal templates on the internet, or you can use a name card template in Microsoft Word. Most people must be familiar with that, right? Once you finish the design or file, you can print it at home or go to a printing service. If you expect to have well-printed cards, then you will better ask a printing service such as an express name card printing in Singapore to get a good-looking name card! 

5. Typo Is Forbidden 

Any typographical errors in your card are not allowed! Your card will be wasted if people cannot reach you with the number you put on the card or with the wrong email that you wrote on it. So, always do multiple checking for your name card!  

6. Avoid Overly Design 

Your card may fail to make a good impression if the design is too excessive. People may notice your card, but perhaps they will remember you as the person with an overly design name card. That is not something to be expected, right? Because of that, when making the card, keep the design simple but at the same time show what you want to convey on it.

Farzana Ven

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