Pay Attention To These 4 Tips Prior to Postcard Printing!

Designing and printing a postcard may seem and sound simple, but once you try to do it you might get confused. Some people end up wondering about where they should start and waste a lot of time pondering about what can they do to make their postcard appear better. 

Don’t worry, you don’t have to be as confused as they are. Here you will find the essentials of postcard designing and printing that you can take note of. 

1. Consider Different Sizes 

A standard postcard size is 4.25 x 6 inches, which is referred to as the traditional size. It is quite small and what makes it difficult in designing a postcard in this size is that the size restriction. There are a lot of things you must omit when using this postcard for marketing. Surely, you hope that you can include more information for marketing and gain people’s attention. 

Well, don’t worry. There’s no rule regarding the size of a postcard that can be sent so you can actually quite experiment with the size of the postcard. You can print it significantly bigger and include more information along with high quality pictures and other design elements with larger postcards. You can do as big as 6 x 9 inches or 6 x 11 for greater mail marketing impact. 

2. Design Uniquely 

Standing out is the key in mail marketing using postcards. You can try making your postcard stand out by changing the landscape of the postcard. Most postcards are horizontal, but who says that you can’t make it vertical? This change might be simple, but it can actually make a great change.  

3. Use Heavier Card Stock 

You have to make sure that the quality of your postcard is high. So, other than coming up with a great design, you also have to choose the right material for your postcard printing. Ideally, a high quality printing that gets noticed uses premium card stock, which is heavier and thicker. This gives off a sense of propriety and your postcard will get noticed better than ones that are printed on cheap card stock. 

4. Know Your Target Audience 

For a successful mail marketing, you have to know the people that you are targeting and the way you can appeal to them using your postcards that get sent to their mailboxes. It is important to pay attention to the trends and ways to impress them. Of course, these people need to be in the right demography that is relevant to your business and products. 

Have you taken notes of these tips? Now, it is time for you to try making your own postcard and print it later on. Before yo make a mistake, remember that it is better to print your postcard in a printing service rather than trying to do it on your own because you will only get unsatisfactory postcards that are printed with office printers. So, if you want a high-quality result of postcards for marketing, put in some money into the production. Surely, you will be happy wit the reuslts. 

Farzana Ven

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